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TakeTurns Tips: How to explain a recall

At Every Turn TakeTurns Blog
|  by
Clare Nosowitz
Clare Nosowitz
Customer Success Manager
TakeTurns Tips
TakeTurns Tips: How to explain a recall

Mistakes happen! That’s why TakeTurns has Turn Recall, a true “undo” to bring control back to your party if you’ve accidentally ended your turn early or made a mistake. It removes all changes and files that were added in your last turn. 

We’ve made recalling your turn as simple as possible. In situations where the other party has not added, modified, or deleted files or revisions, you can recall the turn without warning. In situations where the other party has added, modified, or deleted files or revisions, you will need to confirm the recall and acknowledge it will cancel the other party’s updates.When mistakes happen, Turn Recall can save your day

How to recall your turn

  1. During the other party’s turn, click “Recall Turn”
  2. If the other party has started working on their turn, you’ll need to click through a warning that their changes will be lost. 
  3. Your collaboration will revert to the beginning of your last turn. 

Let the other party know

When you recall your turn, you’ll have the opportunity to write a note explaining why you’re recalling your turn. We recommend that you provide just enough information to make sure no one is confused. It’s especially important and helpful to include a note if you do receive the warning that the other party has begun to work. 

See how you recall your turn in TakeTurns, it's a "real" recall.

Closing Thoughts

TakeTurns makes collaboration on documents and files with your clients, vendors, partners —or any party— structured, secure, and transparent. To make sure you get the most out of TakeTurns, we’ve produced these articles detailing the most important tips and tricks. As always you can check out the help center to obtain full details on any feature mentioned in this article. If you’re not already a TakeTurns subscriber, when you’re ready for chaos-free collaboration: click here to see TakeTurns in action, request a demo, or start a free trial.

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