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TakeTurns Tips: Emojis and reactions

At Every Turn TakeTurns Blog
|  by
Clare Nosowitz
Clare Nosowitz
Customer Success Manager
TakeTurns Tips
TakeTurns Tips: Emojis and reactions

Did you know that TakeTurns supports emojis and reactions? Use them to streamline communications within your collaboration, while making your messages a lot more fun. 


Emojis are supported in notes and the chat. You have the opportunity to write a note each time you send an update; the note will accompany any files or requests you’ve added in that update. You can also write a note when you recall an update, and when you wrap up your collaboration. 


Reactions are supported in the chat. Use reactions to quickly acknowledge or respond to chat messages. 

How to use reactions

  1. Move your mouse over a chat message. Click on the emoji icon
  2. Select an emoji for your reaction

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