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Product Updates: Tips, chats & files download

At Every Turn TakeTurns Blog
|  by
Mickaël Chevalier
Mickaël Chevalier
Co-founder & CTO
Product Updates: Tips, chats & files download

We’ve been keeping busy at TakeTurns!  This week, we released new features to improve everyone’s experience.  This includes Product Tips, which puts helpful hints in the app right where you are. 

You can learn more about all the new features by visiting the Help Center.  And while you’re there, if you click the “Ask Support” button, you can send us questions, comments, or suggestions.

Product Tips

By default, TakeTurns now displays tips to guide new users on key features. Tips can be individually closed or you can deactivate all tips in your preferences. Learn more

TakeTurns tips can be found in the header of each screen.

Download all files from a turn 

You can download every file for a given turn with a single click. TakeTurns will generate an archive (zip) with all the content of the turn. Learn more

How do download all files from a collaboration.

Resend invitations

You can resend invitations to participants who have yet to accept. Learn more

How to resend invitations to participants

Default role for participants

When you add a new participant, the default role is now Leader. Learn more

Chat notifications

The collaboration list and the sidebar now display chat notifications.

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